We had to drive up the night before and stay at a hotel for testing. Testing starts at 8:30am and it was 1.5hr drive for us and I didn't want DS9 being tired for the test. It was nice alone time for us (he has two siblings who stayed home w/ DH). He is in 4th grade and homeschooled. He was in PS for K-2. This was his first time taking the test. I think for the most part it is a reflection but he didn't have enough time to finish math and science. That really hurt him, especially in science since it seems he got most of them correct that he attempted. Science is mostly reasoning and analyzing data which is where DS9 shines. DS9 is not particularly accelerated - his science knowledge is pretty broad from reading and watching NOVA. I think the young kids are extrapolating. The time limit really hurt him. He'll be doing NWEA Map testing and it'll be interesting to see how he does on an untimed test.

Have you looked at the sample questions for the Explore? That might give you a better idea about what the test is measuring.

For those HSing and whose DC took the Explore, will the test results change anything for you?