Thanks for sharing.

He has lots of friends, but he still struggles with some of the subtle social cues that are happening even more frequently now that hormones are entering the picture (e.g. girl writes her name on his arm in pen and he wonders "why did she write her number, I already have it in the directory?"). The school he's in has very little formal support (everyone thinks he's perfect so it's even difficult to have the conversation about AS), but it's a very calm, organized and kind environment. Outside of school, we see a private psychologist and a psychiatrist (for anxiety meds). So I am just worried about the level of anxiety that he may face in a large school. I am afraid of making a mistake -- he's my first! On the finance side, you are absolutely right -- 4 years of a $35K private school would be a nice college nest egg, and we're not rich but in the middle and certainly won't qualify for any aid.
Thanks again.