Well, not much the school did helped, but it did help if I was left alone for a while. They would have the teachers hover over me and watch me and try to verbally calm me down, but I think if they would have just left me alone for a little while in a safe room maybe where I couldn't hurt myself, I would have calmed down naturally. Maybe they could have given me something also that I liked to do, to distract me. I loved science back then, and when I was screaming like that, I would have liked it if they just would have left me alone with some sort of scientific toy I couldn't resist. I mean when I was learning about science and got to go to a room they had where you could play with science stuff, I was very happy.

Also, they punished me for my behavior. That didn't work because I didn't understand what I was doing wrong. They saw me as a bad kid when in reality I just had strong emotions and couldn't contain them. When I was 12, the school report said I had the emotions of a 3 year old, but the thought processes of an adult. That's hard to live with. I wasn't acting out on purpose.
I would educate the other students about it also. My main problem in school was the other kids learned my triggers, then would set me off on purpose because they thought it was funny. When there was no triggers around, I did fine and enjoyed learning. I don't know how to explain this to a little child, but as far as I know, I don't think my school tried to tell the other kids why I was different and why they shouldn't do that.
Also, the teachers tried to make me have friends when I was happy playing by myself. I don't like the idea to do that. I naturally made friends later on in my life.
Sometimes I feel that I should have been home schooled. But at the same time, I would have been more socially isolated than I am now. That's a toughy for me.