My Mother is allergic to fish (and too many other things) and takes Flax seed oil instead. Here is an article from the U.of MD that she forwarded to me a while ago.

It does say to "Talk to your doctor before giving flaxseed oil to a child under 18." I don't know why. I haven't read the article in its entirety.

I have given my son L'il Critters Omega-3 Gummy Fish before [2 gummys = 200mg "omega-3/DHA blend"]. They are sugar-coated and taste too good...very much candy-like; but he doesn't have ADHD symptoms...I thought it may help with some allergies. So, I have no idea about if they help ADHD. I seem to recall another thread on this about a year ago, but could be wrong??

Mom to DS6