Let me preface this by saying I intend no offense to any educators/teachers.
Perhaps it's just me, but I hate-hate-hate it when homework/projects are assigned over long breaks. I've tried really hard to hide my disdain for this, but I fear DS9 has picked up on it. He had homework over Christmas break and it was torturous to see that he did at least one page every other day and then there was the reading log for each and every day. "But Mooooommmmm, it's Christmas BREEEEEAAAAAKK - do I haaaaavve to?"
He shared with me that he was really mad about the project that is going to be assigned over Spring Break. I read the handout sent home today and they've done their best to make it sound fun and exciting, but all I see is a lot of work that DS won't want to do and will put off at every opportunity...which means that I'll be banging my head against a wall as I try to ensure that DS does get it done...and not all in the 30 minutes before bed on the day before it's due.
I'm not sure which is worse - being the kid who has homework over a break, or the parent of the kid that has homework over the break. <sigh> I hate homework.