Originally Posted by slhogan
We have recently been watching "The Joy of Mathematics" (http://www.teach12.com/ttcx/coursedesclong2.aspx?cid=1411) that a friend loaned us.

It has been exactly what I needed! I highly recommend it!
I had to post a follow-up. I bought this course back in December and have watched most of it... I loved it and have been waiting to "share" it with my son.

Unfortunately, he's been so torqued off about math this quarter that I haven't even mentioned it. Things have calmed down a bit so I decided to set my trap.

Because we rarely turn on the TV during the week, I immediately captured his attention when I powered it up tonight.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Oh... thought I'd fold some laundry and watch some math."

"Do I have to help fold if I watch?"
(Normally, this is the LAW in our house -- if someone wants to watch TV, they must fold laundry.)

"No... you can just watch if you want. It's just math stuff."
(Really trying to play it down... he just might take the bait.)

So he picks up the DVD case & scans the chapter titles.

"Oooohhh!!! The Joy of PI! I wanna watch that!"

-- -- --

The kid was positively riveted for the entire 30-minute lecture... it was amazing. And as tempted as I was to let him stay up late for a 2nd lecture, I decided to follow the show-biz adage of "always leave them wanting more" and sent him to bed.

Tomorrow night he wants to watch the lecture on "the imaginary number i"... and then "the number 9" ... and then "infinity." And several more.

Ha -- I got him right where I want him!
(It worked so well, I almost feel guilty... almost.)

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz