Thanks, Kriston. They seem to have a sale everyday - but I'll definitely take a look.

What does everyone recommend?

I've heard good things about geology and good things about the high school history classes, although some don't like the lecturer's silly antics (he dresses up as someone from the period of history he's describing - a positive for us).

Unfortunately, they don't offer video samples, but they do have reviews. Also, the course descriptions detail how many graphics and whether the course is good for audio and/or video. My DS doesn't care for the straight lectures w/o visuals.

Also, we once checked the prehistory out of the library. It was very slow and we returned it. The lecturer definitely subscribed to the school of tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, and tell them again. The first lecture was entirely about what he was going to talk about in the rest of the course. Then the second lecture talked about what he was going to get to in that lecture, etc. It went on and on and on. Not for us, although I'm sure others enjoyed it.