We don't really work on spelling but we do a word of the day each day. I give DS a word and he has to look it up in the dictionary for definition. Then the thesaraus for synonyms. If the word is used as a single form (noun) he writes a sentence using it correctly. If it has more than one role in language (noun, adjective) he writes a sentence for each. Sounds like a bunch but the whole thing takes 5 minutes or less. Every once in a while, I'll ask him to spell a few of them just to see if they're sticking....so far, so good. The wierd part is that if I ask him for a definition of a word that he did 3 weeks ago, he gives it to me word for word what he read out of the dictionary when he originally had the word assigned.

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!