I have a list of about 6 totally embarrasing life experiences that I keep handy to prevent my head from swelling up too much.

One of them is crying on the shoulder of an aquaintance and complaining about my son being 'such strengths' and yet having 'such serious challenges' to overcome. She was a good person to talk to because her son is about 5 years older than mine, and also has similar challenges.

She looked me right in the eye and said:'It beats having the challenges without those strengths.'

I really was wishing for a hole to open in the floor so I could just get swallowed up. I thought at the time that she thought I was bragging, and that I should never have mentioned the 'gifted thing.' Now I see it very differently - I think she was just being honest. Yes siree-bob. Your son's strengths WILL help him overcome his challenges. It does take time, but you will all get there.

Good for you for looking for the silver lining of the getting new insight into your work! I'm pretty sure that they won't want to put him in a resourse room as the whole 'least restrictive environment' thing is so strong. IF they mention it, be sure to let us know, but I am praying that this isn't a realistic alternative at this moment.

Love and More Love ,

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