Originally Posted by Mag
We have a cousin, who is an accomplished pianist, but hated every minute of it. As soon as she left for college, she rarely ever touch the piano again....
This made me think of Andre Agassi:
"I play tennis for a living even though I hate tennis, hate it with a dark and secret passion and always have." So writes Andre Agassi in his new autobiography, Open, published this week.
Another account discussed how he did not choose tennis but had an incredible amount of pressure from his father.
All this pressure clearly built up a sense of resentment inside the budding tennis star, so he simply maintained the image to keep his endorsements.

"I hit a big wall," he said. "I lost desire, lost interest and lost inspiration. I got disinterested in tennis."

That's when the drugs started. He was in such a bad way that he was looking for anything to help him get past the hardships. "My decision (on whether to take crystal meth) was why not? Can't feel any worse.