My DS7 does CTY now. We do have the option to do it during school time. We haven't done it yet for these reasons.

1- I like to see where he struggles and where he doesn't. I like to see what he needs to practice on.
2-I really really think the other parents would be jealous and therefore the kids might not be friends with him.
3-I don't want him to be different. Although my husband keeps pointing out he is different.
4-His current school is teaching some math differently than he has learned in the past. So I don't want him to miss learning different ways to do things.
5-I am hoping next year the work will be better and he won't need to do CTY at all. (He skipped 1st and is now doing 3rd grade with CTY) So maybe in Sept when he is in 3rd grade we will not need it. It is not cheap $200 a month for what you get I dk if it is really worth it.

UGH UGH so so confused. So for now he does it at home.