I am looking for some new books, or a series of books, to read to DS (3 years). He is HUGE into the Magic School Bus series and we read them all of the time (we own all of the picture books). They have been great because they spur interests (dinosaurs, sharks, space), and then off to the library we go for more information....but "I" need something different. wink

He used to love Little Critter, anything Clifford, Curious George, or any Dr. Seuss, but now it is only the Magic School Bus all day long. He can read, and has lots of beginning readers to read on his own (Dick and Jane, I can read, Bob books), but I would like something new for our storytimes (he would snuggle all day and just read books if we could). Any ideas?

I checked out some MathStart books thinking that it might be fun to have some Math learning (and it was series so I knew that there would be a good variety for me without too much research) but he wasn't into it at all. I have thought about trying some easy chapter books too, but I don't know where to start with easy ones (i.e. something I could read outloud). Since I seem to be reading or singing all day long (my oldest DS is just a busy body as I am sure you can relate to and constantly wanting that stimulation) I am afraid that I might lose my voice reading too long of books. Plus, I want the content to be suitable for a three year old as well...i.e. good manners, language.

I have friends that recommended Mercy Watson and the Magic Tree House, but I know nothing about them. Would the content be acceptable for a newly turned three year old? Any advice/ideas would be greatly appreciated. smile