I have read that often times gifted kids have excellent memories.

I am wondering if any of you have a child who has an unusually strong retention of dates?

I will give you an example from this week in the car...

Me: I can't believe it's February already!

dd5: I know. Isn't it funny that the people in Florida will be putting their seeds in the ground on February 25th and we have to wait until May 25th?

Me: Oh - were you studying that today at school?

dd5: No, remember from the map on the back of the packet when we bought our seeds?

That was last Spring.

Then, a few minutes later, out of the blue...

dd5: Remember when we were driving home from Nana's house last March 13th and it started snowing so hard? We were really surprised.

Me: Ummm..

I don't even bother checking her dates anymore because they're always spot-on. She has been like this ever since I can remember. She understood the concept of time, days of the week, calendar, etc. very young. I remember when she was 2-years-old she told me that a favorite uncle had come to visit on a Tuesday. That had happened 4-months earlier.

I hesitate to call it an obsession with dates because it seems effortless for her to recall them.

Me, I need to look at my phone to see what the date is today crazy

Can anyone else relate?