Originally Posted by onthegomom
...I'm not working right now. If I can just figure out a path for my kids to be ok. Then I can work parttime. If I could get them into a school that would be good for afterschool, I could work full time. Current school aftercare is a bad situation, very unruly and boring. I have been out of work for 9 years and with today's economy I don't feel very hopeful for making much money...
If you are out of work and not sure that you will be going back soon due to the economy and other factors, have you considered homeschooling him? At the least, you'd be better off financially due to not having the pay the tuition of a private school.

I, too, have felt like dd#2's school has been a hinderance to her learning math and, worse yet, it has really damaged her self image regarding her mathematical abilities. We are getting a bit back on a better track this year with some afterschooling with EPGY math and a better fit of a teacher, but I don't hold out high hopes of them teaching her much in math to be honest. If they can at least refrain from doing any more damage, I'll be happy. We're aiming to get through the rest of this year and next and then I would really like to fully homeschool her for middle school (6th-8th). I work part-time, though, so having her home full-time is a challenge until we can figure out a way to get around losing my salary or find a more flexible job arrangement. In the meantime I've been gathering a bunch of resources so I have them in place when I can hopefully get to more complete hsing!

I do think, like pps have mentioned, schools are more interested in current achievement than potential. Thus, the IQ argument not getting you far in terms of different accommodations for your ds. Perhaps if you can at least supplement at home if you have the time, his achievement will give them reason to take you more seriously. Good luck with the Explore results. I hope that those have some impact as well.