I feel like I'm late to the party but wanted to share the stories of my two cats. Both have passed, one recently. We had a bengal/maine coon mixed cat who could open doors and loved to fetch. She was a wiry thing and loved to climb. I'm not sure how GT she was because she was always getting into predicaments such as climbing up a tall straight tree and not being able to get down. My favorite was when she climbed up on the patio roof and decided she needed to come down by jumping onto the concrete and landing with a thump on her head. Not much grace with that cat!

My other cat was a maine coon/siamese mix who looked all maine coon but had the voice of a siamese and acted like a terrible 2 toddler. He did not like to be corrected and would let you know with sassing back. Many a times I was meet with a "NO" and one time on the way to the vet he was putting sentences together: "No Mama no!". I had him before my DH was in the picture and the cat was super jealous of DH. One day the DH, than boyfriend, came over after getting over the flu so he wasn't up to his usual energy and laid around on the couch. Temee, the cat, used the opportunity to show just how much he despised him. Running full force down the hall and whipping around the corner; he jumped, landing a full head butt right into DH stomach. Another time DH was watching a movie with me on the couch and had his arm around me. Temee was not happy with that arrangement so he climbed on top of the couch and grabbed his shirt with his teeth, pulling his arm away from my shoulders. Oh how I loved that cat ... full of personality. He is sorely missed.