Originally Posted by NCPMom
We do have a gifted school here, which starts in 2nd grade - however, even if he qualified, we don't think we'd send him there. What to do ??

Hi NCPMom - welcome!

First Question: what is this gifted school like and why wouldn't you send him?
Second Question: if the school starts in 2nd grade, and the testing usually is done in Second Grade - how does that work?

Is your son happy? Does he like going with the older kids? Is he bored the rest of the time? Is he pretty normal in other respects but just loves Math?

My gut reaction is that if he is gifted enough to be singled out to go with the 2nd graders to the gifted Math time, he has made an impression on someone, somewhere, as 'more than ususally gifted.' Yes? My guess is that they don't even usually offer testing in 1st grade, so why now? Actually, that's a very good question!

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