Well D, I know you have a test to write, sorry to keep at you but I just had to express one more thought smile

"Despite this, the same psych tested DS9 and DD10, and seemed convinced that DD10 would go further in life, given her complete package of strengths and weaknesses."

And I thought I was making a bold statement. No disrespect to DD10, and I'm sure she will go far in life, no doubt. But, how do you make a comparable prediction like that about 9 and 10 year olds?
With that said, on paper I was the scholastic weakling in my family from k-12. I was probably voted most likely to escape from prison one day........:)
In terms of "career success", I actually went further faster than anyone else in the family while I was working IRL.
All of your three kids seem awesome and will go on the do amazing things and have great lives,,,I mean, with a mom like you how could they not??
I think the most important thing is you know each one of your children and have made sure they each have an appropriate placement in terms of education. You're clearly paying attention to what goes on with them and that's just amazing parenting.

Will stay off subject now!!
