DD 2.5 is now really into browsing web. When she wakes up she immediately goes to look for a computer and by the time I get there she already opened it and the browser and her webpages from the bookmarks. She does not really read yet but has no problems sight reading and guessing from the letters what says where. She is good about closing it when we tell her 1-2 min in advance so she can finish what ever she was doing. Internet time does not make her cranky like watching tv or DVD so that's is good, I think. I deleted all not so child friendly bookmarks like news as she was opening those too. What else could I do? She is not writing yet, thank good for that, and can not use google, I deleted youtube. She also started to calling grandparents with skype. Should I restrict her time with the computer? She seems to prefer it over anything else now. She also likes to "write" with word, browse her baby pictures and play music.
PS. this is the only forum I could ever ask this question, Thank you!
Last edited by oli; 01/05/10 12:46 PM.