I don't think your nuts. DD was a very VERY early talker. Said 'hi' at two weeks and thank goodness I had a witness around for that one! Right before her 3 month birthday she said 'elephant' and had been working on each syllable for days. By 6 months she was talking in complete sentences; mostly questioning what things were with "What's this?" and "What's that?" which I'm convinced was her way of building her vocabulary but other times she would answer a question with a sentence. And at 15 months our real estate agent freaked out when he overheard her say "Can we go downstairs now?". He still talks about it today and DD is 3 yrs old. By 18 months she was talking in complicated 10+ word sentences. At that point I stopped counting the length of the sentence. DD is also a child that you can read to from a book once or twice and recite it back verbatim. I wish I had that skill! Love when a toddler corrects you because you didn't recite the passage right during one of her many games. :P

So yes ... I fully believe (how could I not) that a baby is capable of trying to put sentences together and skipping the whole one word at a time phase.