I'm glad to hear that I'm not completely crazy! I kept thinking maybe I was just filling in the gaps to DD19mo's speech and that she really didn't just say, "There you go." She also seems to understand WAY more than I think a 19mo-old should, like two-step commands and whatnot. After learning that DD4 is ahead of the curve in the smarts department, we kind of expected our second child to be that way, but not necessarily. DH is definitely HG+ or PG, and I'm somewhere on the GT spectrum as well... so simple genetics would suggest our children will also be that way. It seems as though DD19mo has blossomed in the speech and understanding area lately (despite her ongoing battle with chronic ear infections). Not sure if she's GT or not... probably... I guess time will tell. smile I guess I felt the need to write that out because I'm still in the GT-denial phase at times with DD4 (Can't all 4-year-olds read?).