I am SOOOO thrilled for you that you found the right school!! Knowing that your child can finally be "seen" for who he is has to be the best feeling for you and him! Super HUGS!! I think I would probably fall over from being giddy if we could find the right location.
Dazed&Confused you summed it up perfectly! I was horrified at what the PS's guidance couselor, psychologist and teacher were all telling me was wrong with my son at the beginning of the school year. The psych hadn't even met him yet and she asked whether we had considered medication and that she felt it would be a huge benefit to him....I wanted to just reach out and let her have it! They refused to listen to our concerns or the very thorough testing/private psych report we had done...instead they decided to focus on his behavior that had started to go down hill because he was bored out of his mind.......and then viola one day his regular teacher was out sick and a substitute came in....at the end of the day she said my son was a wonderful young man (and whispered on the side that the teacher left a long note to her concerning my son and his bad behavior and what to do if he "acted up"...she said she saw nothing whatsoever of any issues other than the fact that he was a "very, very smart cookie"), she gave him other work that she had brought in her sub bag of tricks, she said she kept giving him activities that engaged him and she didn't have to say boo to him once all day long. We pulled him the next week. The sad thing is that I know there have to be a ton of parents out there who get caught up and worry that maybe there is something "wrong" with thier child and then they end up being medicated and stuck in a dead end :-(