Originally Posted by amazedmom
Oh my....my 2.8 year old DD is always turned on HIGH! it's like her dial was turned all the way to max and got stuck there....
Everything is dramatic, the end of the world. She never stops moving never stops talking, never stops asking questios, just never stops going....she even talks in her sleep.
She has to involve everyone around her in everythought she has, which leads to worn out parents LOL, although the thougts she has can blow us away. She is INTENSE on everything, se seems to feel more, do more, enjoy more, everything more.

She definitly is more everything then other kids her age.

We have the same DD. Our DD 2.9 is the same way. You've described her so well!

Over Thanksgiving, DH, DS 4 mos and I all went to bed at 10 pm while our relatives continued to babysit DD, who stopped napping a year ago. It took 6 adults several shifts to keep up with her throughout the day.

DS 4 mos is so different. Although he's even more physically strong than DD was, and he's quite alert, he is serene and happy all the time.

At 4 months, DD 2.9 was still fussy 24/7 and only willing to be held by me. In fact, I don't think I'd left the house yet. crazy I can't believe how different life can be with an infant who is not so high maintenance. I can actually see having more kids, and I feel more than ever that DD is 3 kids in one.