DD10 has always tried to reason things out. This is a good thing.

More recently, she has been trying to use "logic" in parenting situations where she isn't getting what she wants. It has transcended concrete evidence based reasoning to abstract thought and interpersonal-emotional issues. She sounds a lot like those cliche soap opera women trying to manipulate their husbands. Like some sort of ersatz Dr. Phil-esque pop psychologist. Ha! Her "logic" in these situations is clearly flawed but similar to the adults in my life whom I try to "suffer gladly." I guess it's precocious and her ability to create cogent arguments will get better with age and experience? Did I drive my own mother this flippin' crazy?

Does anyone else have a tween and a headache? When did the "but you said..." and "but you didn't specify that it had to be..." and the "I guess you just don't care about..." all start? It started sneaking in over the last couple years but it's in full bloom these days! (For the record, we don't give in to her... she just keeps trying.)

DD12, 7th. Dx'd ADHD/GAD. No IQ test. EXPLORE & SAT just miss DYS but suspect HG+