Originally Posted by JenSMP
So, what do you think? Is this really weird, or is he just showing sensitivity to shows? I see other people posting and asking for movie, TV, and book recs for their highly sensitive children. Is that all this is, or is this super strange?

Thanks for reading. I know this was long. I'd love to know what you think.

That's not weird at all, to me that seems normal. I think you answered really well for a person who (weirdly) isn't like that.

My first exposure to the word gifted was at age 13. I read a phamphlet that I found in my parent's bathroom after my younger brother got identified for the new gifted program (I was too old - pout!)

The phamphlet listed different kinds of Gifted Children, and one kind was the 'embodying' type, who understood the world through imagining themselves in various other perspectives. The example was a child who was assigned to write an essay about the manufacturing process of pencils, and started their essay: 'I am a pencil. I was born in a huge factory...'

After reading all the types I decided that that was my kind of gifted. To this day, I see pretty much every side of every issue. And yes, over the years I have decided to make good choices about certian types of movies NOT to see, just because I am such a talented audience. I only see intense movies, like 'Slumdog Millionare' if I feel like I can learn something really important about the world, not for 'fun.'

Anyway, back to your son, I would explain that storytellers work really really hard to help people have the experience that he has a natural talent for. The reason people enjoy hearing stories is that they like experiencing new perspectives! There are even teenagers who go to scary movies on purpose to feel totally engulfed by other characters and situations. You can admire his maturity in choosing what he knowing himself and making wise choices. I firmly believe that the creator made each of us unique with our own talents and challenges and destinies that make use of these talents and what we learned overcoming our challenges.

I would also say that you may want to check and see if this happens with people too. I can't 'afford' to hang our with people who do things that I don't respect, because I can actually percieve myself minutely taking on their characteristics. I think it's true of everyone, but because I'm so aware of it, I've had to make some hard choices.

I have found that over time, this has become a lot less of an issue. And the journaling has been very helpful in getting my head into a space that 'suits' me, rather than some random space that I picked up from the environment.

Love and More Love,

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