Ok, so my ds6 said he had a confession tonight. Here's our conversation:

DS:Mom, I have something to tell you. You know when you ask what I'm thinking about and I tell you, "nothing"? Well, I'm really thinking about something, but I just don't want to tell you.

Me: Well, that's ok. Everyone has private thoughts. You don't have to share every thought you have.

DS: I don't want to keep secrets from you, so I'd like to tell you a huge secret I've been keeping from you.

Me: Ok, you can tell me anything.

DS: My brain keeps telling me, "you need to just tell her and get it over with."

Me: Ok, I am your mom, I'm a safe a person for you to talk to. You can tell me anything, and I'll try to understand and help you with whatever you need.

DS: Sometimes, when I watch movies, I feel like I'm turning into the characters. I feel like I'm the main idea of the movie and it's really about me and going to happen to me. Like, when I watch Scooby Doo, I think I might turn into a dog. When I watched A Christmas Carol, I think something like that might happen to me. I know it's a movie, but it seems more real to me.

Me: (I'm thinking, what the hell are you talking about?) I said, "well you know movies are not real. They are just characters who are acting or animated characters, right?

DS: Yes.

Me: Those things will never happen to you just because you watch them on TV. Do you think maybe we should be a little more selective about which shows you watch for a little while since you are feeling this way?

DS: Yes, do you think I can only watch baby shows now?

Me: No we can find lots of great shows that are not scary, sad, or strange.

DS: Ok, I think that's a good idea. I feel a lot better now that I told you. Now I don't have to worry about it. I've been worried for a long time about this secret. I'm glad you know now.

Me: I'm glad you feel better. You can talk to me anytime and share any secrets you wish. I think this just has to do with how your brain is wired.

DS: Yeah, I think it has something to do with being gifted. My brain is always working really fast and thinking about a lot at once.

So, what do you think? Is this really weird, or is he just showing sensitivity to shows? I see other people posting and asking for movie, TV, and book recs for their highly sensitive children. Is that all this is, or is this super strange?

Thanks for reading. I know this was long. I'd love to know what you think.