((((The WPPSI-III contains 7 core subtests for ages 4:0 to 7:3; Information, Vocabulary, Word Reasoning (VIQ), Block Design, Matrix Reasoning, Picture Concepts (PIQ), and Coding (FSIQ). Supplemental tests for 4 to 7:3 group are Symbol Search, Comprehension, Picture Completion, Similarities, Object Assembly (PSQ), and the optional subtests are Receptive Vocabulary and Picture Naming (GLC). The WPPSI-III employs the Deviation IQ (M=100, SD=15) for the Verbal, Performance and Full Scale IQS, and scaled scores (M=100, SD=3) for the subtests )))
Subtests listed in parenthesis are supplemental, they complete the picture and are NOT used to calculate scores (verbal/performance/FSIQ).
I hope Dottie can help you and get the FSIQ from what you listed. You know what, in fact, I think if I were in your shoes I'd just ask YDD's tester for them. It would not take this tester more than a few minutes to get them for you.
YDD's score qualify for the YSP (Davidson Young Scholars Program). You would need achievement testing to supplement that data set, OR portfolio items showing her working 2-4?) years above grade level. I am NO expert, but I also think ODD's scores might make the cut, and if not, they are probably very close in the verbal part. Since she was hitting several ceilings (close to the end of the test's range); it is possible that she would get the qualifying scores if tested on the WISC (the older version that starts at 6-0).
As a reference (and I don't know how the age part factors into this), my YDD's verbal scores at 4-5 (age) added up to 52, which translated into a 145 verbal IQ, and already at the 99.9% (but not getting to the 150 needed for DYS).
I don't think it is worth fighting with the school about the scores. I would explore the other psychologist first if you don't get an answer here. Alternately, you could ask them saying that you want to apply for this program that offers some interesting summer programs (as suggested in other posts here), and that you need the rest of the numbers.
Both DDs' are really out there!