Thanks Cricket,

Your info was very useful. Has your daughter been identified as gifted? Are you getting help from your school?

Kai, thanks for the input. My daughter's preK teacher, who has a PhD in education, identified her as gifted when she was 4 and reading at a fourth grade level. That was the first I heard of it.

My daughter was adopted from a Russian orphanage at age 9 months. Her Cogats and other indicators are even more remarkable when you consider she pretty much had no stimulation the first year of her life. I have no doubt that my daughter is gifted, I just want to figure out how much.

Any thoughts as to what testing I should proceed with? Or should I just continue to give her advanced books, piano lessons at home? What do you do with your kids? I am a single mom raising two adopte daughters -- we are not financially well-off, and as a gifted kid myself with the extra compassion quotient, I give alot of money to charity (more than 10%)!