I feel so much of this depends upon the attitude of the parent, and by the way you are thinking, I think your daughter will do just fine. For my children in gifted programs I have explained this school helps with their particular talents, but that people the world over are talented in so many different ways, and b. that many 'gifted' kids go to regular schools because their parents feel that is right for them, and therefore being in a 'gifted' group is no big deal, just what we feel suits their needs best. Basically I have drummed it into them that whilst they find some things easier than others, there is plenty more for them to learn, and that their talents are no more or less worthy than anyone elses.

We really haven't encountered any problems with overly competitive kids as yet. I have heard a number of stories of GT kids being in awe of what another kid can do, but not of showing off .... so far.