Originally Posted by onthegomom
Dandy- would you mind sharing how you were able to get his own Math into the school?
The bottom line is that because the school had no familiarity with the program, I had to show that ALEKS "worked" for our son by doing it at home first, and the fact that he tested so well on the 4th grade math made them willing to try.

We hadn't received any formal test results back, so the decision was based purely on his actual performance.

Their decision was certainly helped along by my promise to handle everything including payment, system configuration, quizzes and homework generation. They didn't have to do anything except say "yes."

After the IQ & Achievement test results came back, it was the district office that made the decision to make EPGY available to him for whatever we wanted.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz