My DS used Aleks for 3 and 4 and never did more than the minimum number of questions, which means he just whipped through it (not happily, of course - he prefers some audiovisual elements, too). Still, I think it was math light. He learned how to do things, but I can't really say it made a lasting impression. Also, there is little to no problem-solving. No sure what there is on EPGY, as I don't recall from the 3rd grade program.

btw, my DS absolutely hated math after EPGY3. Thought it was excrutiatingly boring. Funny thing is that he now likes EPGY5. A surprise to me - but it's probably b/c it's been things other than straight + and - calculations, and the fact that "Mr. EPGY" now says things like "awesome" and a little tune plays. lol.