This thread has been very helpful to me as well. Listening to everyone who's been there already is nice.

I have been wondering what school would bring for my DD6 since she was three. I can relate to your wanting testing at an early age. I've second guessed myself a lot, and last year in her final year of preschool, I decided to just forget it all and let her just enjoy "playing" in preschool, despite the nagging feeling I kept having. Now in Kindergarten, we've hit the wall, so to speak. I can no longer sweep her under the rug. After a month she came home crying every day. School is hard she said. "Not in the too hard to finish the life is hard way." (her words). She feels like it's just another year of preschool and she's tired of everyone learning to read (she's been reading for 3 years now).

So...applaud yourself as parents for taking the initiative to help your child...despite the fact that it's easier to ignore it another year. Now you go into Kindergarten armed with facts on paper. You can adapt the environment right from the beginning to work. I think it's important to view everything as fluid for these kids. What works one year, may not work the next. Be open and ready. Well, and it sounds like you are. I don't think a parent can be anything but adaptable with a child like this! LOL. I can really relate to your story so I look forward to watching the outcome.