I will cap the group when it becomes a burden on my time and responsibilities to my family. smile I have another parent willing to help when EPGY deems the group large enought to add an SSA. The yahoo group is run by another volunteer parent. With five children, my youngest turning two next month, I plan to be doing this for a while. smile

I don't know of any reason the geographical distance would negatively impact anyone in the group. It began that you could only join if you were part of a group formed by your school district and has expanded from there. I imagine it would benefit you if there was a group in your area that was active outside of EPGY. There is one really big homeschool group in the Open Enrollment that is very active within their community and has hundreds of students. You could certainly say there is more benefit to be part of a group like that if it is available to you.

EPGY OE Volunteer Group Leader