Well I use a multitude of things as mentioned. My younger kids all use Singapore Math Standards Edition books as their main program. A big thing to mention there is that in order to really get the benefit of Singapore Math you really need all of it, the Home instructor's Guide is a big part of the program, the text and workbooks, as well as the Challenging Word Problems. One of my DD's also uses the extra practice and some use the Intensive Practice which I will probably add in soon. I know some get away without the textbook and I have found that true for some of the units. There are pretests for placement.

We dabble with Aleks quicktables a few times a week, since I had already subscribed before EPGY (till it runs out we use it). We might do a few Kumon pages or games on or the Hartcourt site mentioned above. We also sometimes use the workbook pages from the Sadlier-Oxford CA edition books or Math Mammoth, since they are really cheap to download the book and print pages as you need them, good with more kids coming up. smile

My older was in public school so she uses EPGY and we are now adding in the Key to Series books, the one or two of the Decimals and Percent books she didn't test completely out of and the Algebra series. We are set to start Lial's Basic College Mathematics probably after Thanksgiving. She always used Kumon books as well.

Are Cuisinaire rods like the mathlinks rods I use from Learning Resources? Ten rows of ten that can all be interlocked on all sides? We do a lot with manipulatives in the younger years. HTH

Last edited by melmichigan; 11/14/09 10:02 AM.

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