Originally Posted by vicam
How much should I worry?

I don't ever think there is a good answer for that and even if someone did tell you, no parent would ever listen. smile

I'm sure being an instructional specialist certainly makes you more perceptive/sensitive to the warning signs for lots of conditions including Asperger�s. In the medical field, an old adage is "when you hear hoof beats, look for a horse not a zebra!" I try to keep this in mind while parenting too-

With that said . . . since you are very concerned, can the school or a private therapist check him out for you? Asperger�s diagnosis or not, a expert will be able to coach you through the process of modifying his behavior and helping him adjust or even overcome the areas where he struggles. Plus, I'm sure he perceives your concern/stress as well.

If you haven't already read it, I recommend "Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis of Gifted Children" by James T. Webb, et al. (www.giftedbooks.com/productdetails.asp?id=34) This book is a nice starting point for understanding the different behavior issues that tend to manifest alongside of giftedness and how they differ from behavior and emotional disorders that get more frequently (but not always correctly) diagnosed.

Others on this board will be able to help with the "been there, done that" (BTDT) experience too- Nevertheless, welcome!

Mom to DYS-DS6 & DS3