First, you are experiencing what a lot of us has gone through especially after reading Dr. Ruf's book. I call it the hyperventilating in a paper bag move. Then comes the guilt of why didn't I see this? Mind you when I read her book my DD had just turned 2 so yes I am miles ahead in some regards. My best friend has a daughter who is HG+ and is 15 yrs old. Talking to her about DD always comes back to how she didn't have the literature that I have now and what a gift that has been put in my lap. So true. BUT ... it really depends on what you do with the gift. My reactions have been all over the place. I started to hold DD back because I couldn't get over just how advanced she really was and how miserable she would be in school because of it. I realize now that I was completely wrong with my attitude. We started her in a social preschool and I came to realize very quickly it was a bad decision because DD wasn't herself, more like a shell of herself. So we scrambled and put her in an academic Spanish Immersion school. We just started so I don't know if it is the solution but she is coming back to us and being herself. My eyes are now open and the ideal of placing my child in public school has vanished. I suspect we will look for other avenues in the private sector. Something I had to come to terms with.

Long winded about myself ... when what I was trying to say is we understand your guilt because we all have it in some form or fashion and don't beat yourself up over it. And remember Dr. Ruf's recommendations are for the general not specific. It sounds like you are doing a lot for your DD. She is very lucky to learn Latin. What a great opportunity for her. And maybe you find more opportunities that she will find challenging to sublimate her education.