My son(16) is one of those compliant ones and has always been respectful of allowing teachers to teach. He also has that nurturing side of teaching others. As far as I can ascertain he enjoys doing it.

One interesting point though was I never realised until this year how much he sits back and observes. I had to attend a university residential school for 4 days with him. He never said a word through all the lectures and tutorials unless asked and barely took any notes. By the end of day 3 I was becoming a bit concerned by his apparent non involvement. When I asked him about it he said he already knew the work. I then asked was he bored. He said no he finds it very interesting to see how other people react and solve problems.

I say go with your gut feeling and advocate for your daughter, after all you are the one that truely knows her. Also the views of the other parents speak volumes, as it is often the views from another perspective of those not directly involved that give you the answers you are looking for. Good luck and best wishes.
