DRA is reading level. Level A is prereading. Then, there are numbered levels, mostly even numbers but not every number. For example, A, 1, 2, 4. When they get up to about 20, they're every 4 numbers for a while, then they go up by 10's after a certain point. A 44 is not the maximum score, but it may be as high as the school in that particular link tests.

At our school, a first grader is considered on grade level if his/her score is in the 10's or close to it (at least an 8). Beginning second graders should be in the 20's, 3rd graders in the 30's, etc. That would put the OP's child at reading on a 4th grade level. That score includes both reading the words and comprehension. The score may be a little "inflated" because the test is somewhat subjective, but he's still reading several years above grade level.