I have brought this subject up a good year ago.
Here is the old thread:
http://giftedissues.davidsongifted.org/BB/ubbthreads.php/topics/14184/1.htmlThe subject is dear to my heart again as DS has decided to apply. He has even posted this as his status on FB a few days ago (I had to laugh at this).
So we are in the turmoil again. But this time he wants to go (well, sort of, in a teenage kind of way) and I am willing to let him go.
He has started HS and both him and us are seeing that the next three years are going to be a HUGE challenge logistically and time wise as well. We live in a small town, he gets up at 5:30 every day to be at school at 7:35. Once a week he is up at 5:00 to have a violin lesson at 6:00 (crazy!!!).
Right now he is down with the flu, high fever and really sick

Share your experiences please if you are familiar with the process, have something to add. He will apply to Andover, Exeter and St.Paul.