Our DS6 did the same thing...we had a very good feeling that he was gifted for quite some time so we took him to get assessed when he was 5 with the SB - he scored a 129 and I was really surprised - the assessor said that she could see where his OE's and dyspraxia played into lowering his score and she suggested testing using a different test that didn't call his dyspraxia issues into play (block building, spatial awareness)....we then used the Weschler preschool test - he did horribly -he refused to finish the test.....we waited a year and then found an assessor who had experience testing gifted kids with dyspraxia and we used the RIAS - he scored a 145 and we finally felt confident that we got to see a good idea as to where he was. She also gave him the woodcock johnson achievement and it showed he was several grade levels ahead in reading/math....so as Grinity stated "any one pieve of data can be off". Trust your gut :-)