Good question
I'm struggling with the same thing with my 3rd child, dd4 1/2.

SHe is so intense, so sensitive, all the gifted signs. Started reading at 3, doing math, etc, etc.

We had her tested at age 4 with the Nagieri (sp?)non verbal test to do early entrance to K. She only tested 104!! The testers were not skilled in gifted (some being trained that morning to admin the test.)
Then a few months ago had the school psych test her on WPPSI for early entrance again. This school does test for gifted since they have a FT gifted program but also a lot of spec. needs kids. So my DD4 only scored 114. The tester noted she was yawning, laying her head on table during test etc.

So what to do?? My older two kids are 2sd's higher than were this dd placed. Is that common?? I hate to throw money at another test but really would like to get her into K yet this year. I was thinking of SB5?

She missed cutoff to K by 3 weeks so this really stinks that I couldn't get her in.
