Cricket2, are you sure this isn't the profile of a DYS child?
I really don't think so. She doesn't have any qualifying scores and she's taken a lot of tests. The WISC wasn't qualifying on GAI, FSIQ, or either of the two (PRI or VCI). While she qualified on two of the scores on the EXPLORE, she would have needed three scores including the composite, which she didn't have. Yes, she took the SAT right after her 10th bd when she was in 6th grade, but she didn't do fabulously on it (not DYS qualifying scores for a 6th grader). She is going to take it again this year, so we'll see how she does then, though.
She is still a top of the class kid in 7th grade after a one year grade skip and she was already young for grade. She tested advanced on all of the state NCLB tests in 6th (reading, writing, math) the first year following her skip, and she is in the accelerated math and reading classes and is getting straight As in all of her classes (as she did last year). For this reason, I do think that the IQ scores from age 7 were probably a bit of an underestimation and she is more likely HG than MG, but I have no indication that she is a DYS eligible kid.
She does write some really beautiful poetry, though
