My ds7 is also very bouncy. We used to call him Tigger. I started homeschooling him this year. He couldn't sit still. So a few of my friends told me to get him an exercise ball to sit on. One of my friends is an OT and she treats kids with SPD. Both the psychologist who did IQ testing on him and my friend who is an OT said ds does not have ADHD.

I bought him a small exercise ball. I let him play with it and let the novelty wears off a little bit. After a while, DS can sit on the ball and focus better than without a ball. I don't mean that he just sits on it. He actually kind of rolls on it and bounces on it a little bit. He falls off a few time, but he maintains his focus better. I also change him to different positions in homeschooling. Sometimes he sits on the ball, sometimes he stands up and walk around, sometime his tummy leans on the ball etc.

I was told that some schools in Europe are letting boys to sit on exercise balls. Some gifted schools in US do not require kids to sit on chairs.
