We did several international flights with DS#1 between the ages of 18mo and 2.5yrs. He even had gold status on one airline for a while! We now make somewhat regular, shorter flights (up to 6 hrs) with both kids. I certainly agree with many of the suggestions above.

We have Peltor Kids ear muffs for both DC (like hunters and rockstars use). I find that the constant engine noise (that lulls me to sleep) just makes them aggravated and antsy. Noise-cancelling headphones, ear plugs, etc. will all work too. These go on before take-off and come-off after landing. No exceptions.

I have both my kids in FAA approved car seats for every flight. They seem much more comfortable in a seat that is the right size for them. I just bought the FAA CARES seatbelt for my DS#1 but have only used it on one short flight. (I'll still use the carseat for long flights)

I tend to pack snacks that take some time to eat. One cookie goes fast but a bag of cheerios takes some time and effort to eat. Busy hands = happy kids. Yes, the flight attendants probably curse me once I'm off the plane. I also let my kids have things like fruit snacks, teddy grahams, and sugary treats that I would not normally allow at home. I also make sure they always have lots of water available to them for the entire flight. It is easy to get dehydrated while flying.

We always bring a DVD player or movies downloaded onto a video iPod with headphones. We don't watch a lot of tv in our house so this too is a special travelling treat that makes the plane more enjoyable.

As for toys, I always purchase a few new books and small toys for the trip that my DC have never seen before. Matchbox cars, lacing beads (Melissa and Doug make nice ones), Magnadoodles, and Colorforms are regulars in our carry-ons. Puppets or special stuffed animals and dolls are great for some kids. My DS #2 loves puppies and I managed to find a cheap toy dog that moves and barks quietly (Furreal toys) that was HUGE hit on our summer trip. DS #1 is older now so he also likes to play card games, cut with safety scissors, read, etc. (It is so much easier once they are older!!!)

Scotch tape, post-it notes, and paper plates (can cut into spirals, make masks, etc) are all fun and easy to pack. A kid can easily be occupied for the half hour of landing by pulling a small piece of tape off of various body parts. smile

There are a number of websites with tips for flying with kids. There are some pretty ingenious products out there too that makes life on the road a lot easier. (We LOVE our GoGoBabyz wheels!!) After years of trial and error, I finally have packing down to a science. Here are a few quick tips that work for me:

1. To me it is worth the money to check a bag. I can't manage two kids, all our carry-on stuff, carseats, luggage and still get through security. I just budget the $30 for the bag and acknowledge it is worth my sanity.

2. After having two strollers damaged on planes, I often buy a cheap umbrella stroller or do without one at all. I do have wheels on my carseats which works great in the airport or, if needed, at my destination. If I know I will need MY stroller on the trip, I do my best to pack it in a stroller bag (with bubble wrap) and I cross my fingers.

3. For my carry-on, I pack a rollerboard suitcase. I do not carry a purse but instead use the front pocket of the rollerboard for my wallet and our liquids. Inside, I put the following bags:
-a bag with a complete change of clothes (including footwear) for both kids and a new shirt for myself. (I found that jammies actually serve this purpose well and are nice to have in case you lose your luggage. Of course, this may mean walking around an airport with a kid in jammies too)
-a bag/pouch with baby changing supplies (diapers, wipes, changing pad, bags, etc.)
-a few gallon sized ziplocks (for dirty clothes, diapers, emergencies)
-a bag of toys, books, etc. for my kid to use on the plane (this is usually their backpack, etc., one per kid)
-a bag with my essentials and all of the snacks plus a few surprise toys held in reserve
When I get on board, the kid's backpack of toys and my bag of essentials go under our seats. The rollerboard with my wallet, the baby�s changing supplies and the emergency change of clothes (and other non-essentials during the flight) gets put in the overhead. I find that this keeps me organized and keeps our seat area from getting too cluttered.

By the way, even though I am lax about the food and movies, I never tolerate kicking seats, running in the aisles, sitting without a seatbelt on, etc. I figure it is always easier not to create the habit than try to break it later.
Good luck! Have fun! (Sorry this was so long!!)

Mom to DYS-DS6 & DS3