Not sure whether to put this here or in the 2E spot, but... I was reading over the thread (sorry, I'm terrible at linkin' one to another) where having low blood sugar was discussed - think it was the Explosive Child and/or Nurtured Heart one.
And well, *I* am hypoglycemic and have a tad bit of ADD (yes, I still refuse to throw in the H for me specifically). I am very emotional and have noticed that if I have a balanced diet, I'm less likely to explode when dealing with my oversensitive DS or my "doesn't show much emotion" DH (ha). But I'm also my mother's daughter and have been blessed with crazy hormone issues, so for me, it's tough to determine what is causing what.
I also notice that diet plays a huge part in DS's (and DD's for that matter) behavior. He was also one of those babies that had to eat every 2-3 hours. He was on cereal early b/c he'd be hungry an hour after finishing 8oz of formula or breast milk--in fact he was on formula earlier than I wanted b/c *I* couldn't keep up. Still today, if he doesn't eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in scheduled intervals, he gets all out of whack.
My degree is in Health Education, and I know what is good and not good to eat as far as healthy foods vs. unhealthy, etc... but I'd like to know what those of you who are dealing with kids greatly affected by their diets make or keep as snacks, etc, to help curb the craziness, besides just fruit and nuts and veggies. What works and what doesn't for you?
I'm also curious about how many of you allow your DC to have caffeine. How much, if you do? Neither of my DC are allowed any at this point. DS doesn't sleep well as it is, but I notice for ME that a bit of caffeine during the day actually helps me focus... though I do have to have it without tons of sugar or that does the opposite. But I also have to cut off my consumption before 5 or 6pm or I won't go to sleep (never had to as a child, just now as an adult).
My father has a gluten intolerance (digestive issues), and we are attempting to implement some of what my parents eat/cook into our own meals, but gluten free items can be quite pricey.
Wow, that was longer than I expected. LOL. Thanks in advance!