Originally Posted by hkc75
So would *benadryl+school+boy=extreme frustration in mom* be my problem or his? LOL What do you do when they are sick or just don't want to do school? It's not like you can just send them anyways.

If I am the one who needs the mental health day, the DVD player goes on and a somewhat educational movie (i.e. Getting Ahead Science Series, Magic School Bus, etc.) occupies DC until I can calm myself down. Sometimes, I just need 20 minutes and sometimes I need a whole day.

If DS is wiggly/ansy from the moment he wakes up, we postpone our lessons and head to the park or children's museum. Often after some of the excess energy is burned off, looking a leaves with a microscope or catogorizing the flora and fauna will naturally happen. I keep a "kit" ready for this type of exploring. (I have a few pre-printed activities, notebook, pencil, crayons, binoculars, pocket microscope, disposable camera, etc.) On these days, we "unschool" until his focus is back enough to accomplish anything without fighting -sometimes he needs 20 minutes and sometimes he needs a whole day.

Finally in situations like the benadryl one, DS gets LOTS of quiet time in his room with a few cool books and music that I have stashed for these "special occasions." He has quiet time and so does Mom.

Fortunately, these help keep me from drinking during the day! J/K!!!! smile

Although our general schedule is HS four days per week 'til about 2pm but I allow for flexibility to accomodate attitudes, life, etc. (Day 5 is usually spent on playdates, museums, parks, classes, etc.) Since we work (more-or-less) year-round, I don't stress days off. We generally accomplish far more in a day than a regular school would. Often, we end up working one or two weekend days per month because of scheduling, child-desire or to involve DH in some lessons.

Mom to DYS-DS6 & DS3