Grif- The processing speed for us was such an outlier that after a few days to really think about it, I'm not sure it means much of anything. His VCI was only 10 points higher than his WMI and PRI, so they were all fairly close together, the PSI was the only one that was extremely low. I think it gives us some information, he doesn't process quickly, but I just don't see that translating into a real-world learning disability.

Kriston and Gratified3, both of your kids sounds a lot like DS7. He isn't necessarily slow in daily situations, but if he's given too much information at once and not given time to process it, he kind of shuts down. He has to have time to process things and the more information I try to shove in behind the clog, the longer it takes for him to untangle it all and move on. I've learned that mostly "I don't remember" isn't a cop-out, he really *doesn't* remember, but if I give him a week or two, he'll remember it and also have made some wonderful connections and leaps with the information. If we try to move ahead too quickly, nothing good comes from it.

I hadn't really put together that *that* was what processing speed issues looked like. I had thought it was more the kid who takes an hour to finish a single problem or who gets distracted by his own shadow when he has things he needs to work on. And I knew that it was a common issue with gifted kids to have a relatively lower processing speed, but to see 99%+ indexes and then suddenly see a 34% sitting in the middle made my heart stop!