I was singing DD to sleep, thinking about "your baby can read". And I started thinking about all the things you are suppose to do to increase IQ, like breastfeeding, music lessons, exercise, etc. etc. I know there are thoughts about hot housing, but maybe doing these exercises -- your baby can read program -- does push the brain development and creates a higher IQ for the child.

I was having a turtle and hare discussion with DD the other day -- outshoot of rough piano practice. You get someone like Hiliary Clinton who wokes extraordinarily hard, IQ estimate around 125. And you get someone with IQ 150 who doesn't do the work, just slides through. Clinton comes off as more intelligent. Maybe not cleverer. But more intelligent.

I kind of lost the point here. But is hot housing so bad? If my kid was 125 and I still wanted them to have every option available, wouldn't I want them to push themselves. The quote was made about Joe Kennedy to Teddy, re: sailboat race. "They may be better and smarter, but we will work harder and beat them."

DD learned to ride a two wheeler this week. A result that she didn't want to ride her bike because she was bored. She really lacked confidence when we started and didn't push herself and I got frustrated with her giving up but I didn't. I made her do some everyday. She got farther and farther and today, she was doing it all her own. She was so pleased with herself and happy and kept saying "I can do it, I can do it." I am happy she is so smart but I am realizing that her IQ isn't going to carry her. She needs the life lessons of perseverance more than anything else. Too much does come easily. That is more of a problem than I thought.
