Originally Posted by Dottie
Putting this thread together with the actual scores posted on another (for CAMom), I think I would be more concerned than I was on the other thread. It could still be just developmental, but this thread seems more problematic than the mere scores suggest, particularly with the spelling. How is his oral spelling? I'm wondering how many points he lost for "dyslexic" moments. If you ask him to write one word only, does he spell that correctly? Do things like "dgo" only come out if an entire sentence is attempted? It might be hard to find an expert who could probe further with a child so young, but I'd have more questions. Unfortunately it might be too soon for answers.

Thanks for the feedback. His oral spelling is above grade level, though not as strong as his reading and math scores. He understands phonetic rules and generally can spell words that are phonetic and those that are complex but follow rules like ph=f sound. All of his problems come when he begins to put it on paper.

He can spell single words with a lot of focus. It took 25 min to get him to write the word "get" 3x and then "them" 3x today for his spelling homework. He had a spelling test today and got the other words right, but reversed his g in get and had the letters all mixed up in "them". So his homework was to write each missed word 3x. The correct words were CVC words like ran, pan, tan. The jumbled letters and reversed letters are far worse if he has to write a full sentence.

I keep coming back to something not bring "right" because of odd little things. He can copy a sentence perfectly but the letters will not be on the line, some will be too big and too small. But if you give him the sentence to look at and take it away, it goes back to being a big mess again even for a very simple three or four word sentence.

Last edited by CAMom; 08/17/09 10:28 PM.