Around here, the buzzword is "differentiation," though that means teachers have to work A LOT harder or give the kids very little.
There's no pull-out until 3rd grade, and then only once a week and only in math. At 5th grade, it's daily pull-out in math. Never reading. Beyond that, you're at the mercy of the classroom teacher, and quality of differentiation varies wildly. My state requires ID of gifted kids, but no services whatsoever are required by law once GT kids are ID'd.
It sounds like you got a teacher who's at least trying to differentiate well. We batted 50%: K teacher was incredible, 1st grade teacher did nothing.
The POGS group I'm part of is pushing for clustering in the hopes that it might give us better quality of education for ALL kids, GT kids included. But I'm not holding my breath. Change is slow to nonexistent in this neck of the woods...