Lot of things we have missed as we thought that it was normal development

At 5mo I had her with me at the office holiday party. She was sitting on my lap the whole 2 hours reading Elmo peek-a-boo book. I did not understand why everybody kept asking how old she was. I thought that all the 5mo can turn pages and enjoy looking at books. At 7mo she started crawling so I placed all the books close to the ground and she might sit there for 30min to look trough all of them. Lot of the books had normal thin pages and she was able to turn the pages anyway. When reading the ruf scales, I realized that it is not normal.
DD is bilingual and started to walk early. So with DH we were sure that it would take while for her to stat to talk. MIL visited us when DD was 9mo and noticed immediately that DD was talking several words. We thought that she was only imitating us and could not really talk LOL
I started to think that she might be gifted when she suddenly learned abcs (uppercase, lower case, sounds and the song) without really any teaching. At the same time she amazed us by learning to count to 10 in two different languages and actually understanding what the numbers mean by commenting how many things she is seeing (like two busses driving by, 5 markers etc.). She also finds is hilarious to look numbers or letters from different angles as they might look like something else (6&9, 7 & L, M&W). Then at 23 mo she started to write letters like A, I, S and M.
She also started imaginary play at 18 mo by pretending to be someone else or doing something like going to the grocery store. I think that it might not be normal for an 18 mo old.